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Sugaring appeared a long time ago, even in Ancient Egypt this method was used to achieve smoothness and tenderness of the skin.

Now it has become especially in demand today.

Sugaring is one of the most effective ways to forget about unnecessary hairs for a long time. It will help get rid of hairs from any part of the body, be it legs or armpits, face or buttocks, or bikini area.

Price List Sugaring


Leg half incl. knee                        60 – 70.-*

Leg whole                                       80 – 95.-*

Bikini                                               25 – 50.-*

Bikini brasilian                              75 – 90.-*

Armpits                                           25.-

Forearm incl. hand                       45.-

Arm whole                                      65.-

Upper lip and chin                        25.-

Cheeks                                             10.-

Eyebrows                                        20.-

* In case of strong hairiness, an extra charge may be applied


Back, shoulders, chest, abdomen, arms, legs, buttocks


No intimate zone