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Let your body and mind relax and heal. Check out the list of all services and find something special just for you!

Our massages

Classic massage

Massage is one of the oldest known healing methods of mankind. It is characterized by its
stretching, pulling and pressure movements and increases blood circulation in the treated muscle groups, connective tissue and skin.
muscle groups, the connective tissue and the skin.
Massage is most frequently used to treat musculoskeletal disorders. These
These disorders can manifest themselves in the form of tension, chronic muscular pain and
hardening in the tissue. It also leads to a measurable reduction in pulse rate and blood pressure
blood pressure and a reduction in stress symptoms.

A distinction is made between a partial body treatment and a full body treatment.
In a partial body massage, the focus is specifically on certain parts of the body. The partial areas
are divided into back, legs, arms, stomach, chest and face. The full body massage, on the other hand
all parts of the body.

The effects of a classic massage:

  • Local increase in blood circulation
  • Reduction of blood pressure and pulse rate
  • Relaxation of the muscles
  • Loosening of adhesions and scars
  • Improved wound healing
  • Pain relief
  • Influence on internal organs via reflex arcs
  • Mental relaxation
  • Reduction of stress
  • Improvement of cell metabolism in the tissue
  • Positive influence on the autonomic nervous system

Manual lymphatic drainage

With manual lymphatic drainage MLD according to Dr. Vodder you benefit from a
therapeutic effect with multiple effects: you support and activate the flow of lymph
flow of lymph, remove waste products from the connective tissue, improve metabolism
metabolism, relax blood vessels and harmonize the vegetative system.
The de-oedematization, pain relief and relaxation make manual lymphatic drainage
lymphatic drainage the therapy of choice for conditions such as migraine,
whiplash, MS, hay fever and tinnitus. It is also effective for painful
tensions, vein problems, injuries, after operations, for better wound healing and
wound healing and scarring, for excessive fat deposits,
pregnancy oedema and rheumatic diseases as well as cyclical idiopathic
and cyclical idiopathic oedema.
You can also use the variety of manual lymphatic drainage MLD in traumatology.
traumatology. Thanks to the gentle power of lymphatic drainage,
support wound healing decisively and even shorten the overall treatment time.
treatment time. Lymphatic drainage is by no means only of great importance postoperatively.
is of great importance. Clients who receive preoperative lymphatic drainage
also recover relatively quickly from their operations. Preoperative
Lymphatic drainage prepares the lymphs to drain the large molecules
that result from the operation. Scars and burn scars can also be treated
can also be treated with the help of MLD.

If lymphoedema remains untreated, the swelling increases and the treatment becomes
treatment becomes long and costly. It can also lead to remodeling processes
and the tissue becomes fibrotic, which leads to hardening of the tissue.
hardening of the tissue. MLD helps you with a de-oedematizing effect.

Area of application:
- Protects against infections and diseases (by cleansing the entire body)
- Removes toxic substances, waste and unwanted material
- Strengthens immune function and resistance
- Reduces headaches and migraines
- Supports clients after a whiplash injury
- Collects excess fluid - prevents/eliminates edema (swollen legs)
- Reduces lymphoedema after surgery and trauma

- Improves wound healing, reduces scars, reduces pain after surgery and trauma
operations and trauma
- Reduces hematoma formation (e.g. bruising after accidental injuries)
- Supports the lymphatic system after the removal of lymph nodes or in the case of

- Refines and improves the appearance of the skin (stretch marks, operations,
weight loss)
- Cleanses the skin in the case of acne and eczema
- Relaxes the nervous system in cases of stress and overload
- Effective support for whiplash injuries
- Improves regeneration after sporting exertion

Foot reflexology

The feet perfectly mirror the person and are a self-repetition of the whole body.
whole body. They are divided into reflex zones, which relate to an organ or a
function of the body. The feet are often unnoticed, sometimes somewhat
neglected and yet with incredible potential for health.
Foot reflexology massages have been used successfully for hundreds of years.
applied. Many diseases, problems and ailments can be treated with this
treated with this unique method. By stimulating and pressing the
points and zones on the feet, the complaints are alleviated or even cured after a few
alleviated or even cured after just a few sessions.

Foot reflexology often helps with:
- Headaches
- Digestive problems
- Muscular and static strains
- Menstrual problems
- Menopausal symptoms
- Colds
- Lymphatic problems
- Allergies
- Cystitis
- Hormonal complaints

Body Modeling "Lepka"

Body modeling "sculpting" is a modern concept of body modeling suitable for women who want to look perfect and lose weight in a short period of time. Traditional body modeling includes the following steps: - Dynamic lymphatic drainage (soft, deep pressing movements synchronized with breathing). - Activation of metabolism in the subcutaneous fatty tissue, as well as in the muscles. - Fat-preserving and anti-cellulite procedure (anti-cellulite - painless massage of subcutaneous fatty tissue. Lipolysis - a combination of intensive pressing and squeezing movements in the problem area with excess fatty tissue). - "IQ body modeling" (creation of new muscle memory and new body structure through redistribution of fascial tension). Indications (therapeutic indications): -Cellulite reduction, improvement of the quality of subcutaneous adipose tissue. - Reduction of water deposits. - Volume reduction. -Reduction of subcutaneous fat. -Long-term aesthetic revitalization of the body. -Detoxification of the body

Madero therapy

Madero therapy is a natural and non-invasive massage technique that originated in Colombia.
originated in Colombia. It uses anatomically shaped wooden elements in various sizes and
different sizes and shapes are used to treat the skin, connective tissue and muscles.
and muscles.
The targeted application of the wooden elements exerts intensive pressure on the connective
connective tissue, which stimulates the lymphatic system and leads to the removal of toxins from the body.
toxins are removed from the body. At the same time, fat burning and
metabolism are stimulated, which can lead to a reduction in fat deposits and cellulite as well as
water retention in the body.
Madero therapy is much more than a simple anti-cellulite massage.
Benefits of a Madero massage:

  • Improved blood circulation: reduced water retention and improved lymph flow
  • Detoxification: Madero therapy helps to remove toxins from the body.
  • from the body
  • Relax tense muscles
  • Stress reduction: Madero therapy can help to reduce stress and anxiety by
    as it provides relaxation.
  • improve the quality of sleep
  • strengthen the immune system
  • Promote general well-being
  • Increased elasticity and firmness of the skin
  • And of course the anti-cellulite effect: the Madero massage breaks through fat deposits and reduces cellulite.
    fat deposits and reduces cellulite.

Improvements can already be seen after the first session, but the Madero
massage is not a quick fix. Depending on your expectations, several treatments may be
treatments may be necessary for the best results. The number of treatments required depends on
the body and how quickly it responds.
We usually recommend a 10-treatment subscription (that's 10 treatments), this is the amount of time needed,
so that the body understands that it is getting a new program and the results are long lasting.
By long-term we mean 5-6 months.
A 10-treatment subscription should usually be completed within 15-18 days. Why? As soon as the body
activated, we want to use this time for your body to absorb and understand the new (healthy) program.
and understands it.

Body treatments

Thalassotherapy shows successful results in the fight against excess weight and is recommended as a remedy for cellulite. For this purpose, cosmetologists use hot or cold seaweed wraps. Such procedures stimulate the activity of the lymphatic drainage system: accelerates the removal of excess fluid and toxins. As a result, the proportions of the figure are corrected, skin turgor increases, and stretch marks become less pronounced.

Relaxing massage

Our bodies and our minds face various challenges in everyday life
faced and usually it's not that easy, the resulting stress
to counteract. Too much stress can cause, among other things, headaches, heart problems
Cause circulatory problems, joint and other pain or lead to sleep disorders.

That's why it's so important to take a break on a regular basis. So once you get it right
If you want to recover and give your body new energy reserves, a relaxation massage is exactly what you need
the right thing for you.
A massage is one of the most effective and simple means for both the body and the body
to relax the mind and specifically counteract stress. That's how it is even with little free time
It's possible every day to treat yourself to a little vacation and have a good time.
Even if the focus of a relaxation massage is not the same as a medical massage
is aimed at treating physical ailments, it can be used as a preventive measure against various ailments
In addition, existing tensions and tensions that are caused by the
various stresses arise in everyday life.
This is possible because during the massage anti-stress hormones (including serotonin and oxytocin)
be distributed. This increases psychological well-being and lowers blood pressure.
Due to the increased blood circulation and the improved cell metabolism in the tissue
Skin and connective tissue noticeably relaxed.

Vacuslim 48

Three functions in one treatment!
Cellulite - fat deposits - lymph
The VacuSlim 48 is a newer method that uses creams and active ingredients
ensures that you are proud of the flat stomach, the firm bottom and the
tight legs will be.
Vacuum and active ingredients from the creams break down fat at high speed,
resulting in an immediately visible volume reduction after the first treatment
enabled. Other positive effects include: the appearance of the skin and the
Firmness you feel after the entire treatment. The feeling of
Ease after treatment is great as there is excess water
eliminated that leads to stretching. VacuSlim 48 therapy is 100% safe
and reliable.

  • Results are visible after the first therapy
  • Increase the firmness and vibrancy of the skin after a few Therapies
  • The vacuum creates the effect of sauna and at the same time
  • Lymphatic drainage
  • Shape Art body shaping treatment
  • It is a completely new, revolutionary process, unlike any previously known

Technologies combined that are successful in the fight against fat, wrinkles and
Cellulite works
A very rewarding and good combination is Maderotherapy & VacuSlim 48!

Chocolate wrapping

Masks, including a chocolate mask for the body, are considered the most effective and at the same time a simple and inexpensive way to combat the negative effects of external skin contamination and maintain its health. Advantages of chocolate masks based on cocoa powder in the loading and the stimulating influence on epidermal cells of the entire spectrum it contains vitamins, trace elements (iron, magnesium, zinc), alkaloids (theobromine and theophylline), amino acids and antioxidants. They cleanse and moisturize the skin, stimulate the renewal of its cells, relieve swelling, tighten the skin, make it more elastic and smooth. A special "bonus" of these masks is a seductive aroma ...

Cupping massage

With the cupping massage, the effects of the classic massage and those of
Cupping combined. Using small glasses in the shape of a ball placed on oiled
Areas of the body are placed, a negative pressure is created. The cupping heads are now gone
Moving back and forth, there is a changing “suction” of the parts of the body and thus also
the massage effect.
The cupping massage has both a circulation-promoting and purifying effect
loosening. Especially people who long for relaxation and stress relief,
Many people have positive experiences with cupping massage because they get an activating,
attributed to a draining and strengthening effect.
In general, the effect of cupping massage is particularly effective

  • Tension
  • Indigestion
  • slow metabolism

Other benefits of cupping massage
The use of cupping massage on the legs is very popular. Especially on
Cupping massage is often used on the thighs because this massage technique helps with flabby thighs
Connective tissue helps and also significantly improves the complexion.
If the cupping massage is performed on the back, pain in the back is reduced
noticeable in the back.
By the way: Cupping massage is also often used in the beauty industry. With the help of
The tissue can be strengthened very well with smaller cupping glasses